The Word of God is the catalyst by which people will be saved, discipled, and made new in Christ—but only if pastors and staff are freed up to focus their time and mental resources on prayer and preaching the Word (Acts 6:4).
Outsourced Digital Ministry
for Church Plants and Small Churches
Instead of spending time learning, configuring, managing, and updating, you and your staff focus on preaching and teaching. We'll work with you to make sure that message is communicated clearly and compellingly online!
Reach and Connect:
Making the Most of Your Digital Channels

Online Presence
Invisible vs. Easy to Find
As a new church plant - or even if you've been around a while - how easy is it to find you? Almost every visitor to your church will look for you online before they walk through your doors. What will they find?
Custom, Engaging Websites
Websites That Build Connections
Every church website has two distinct audiences: those you want to reach, and those already in your church that you need to inform. How well does your website reach, connect, and inform?

Mobile Apps
Connect Beyond the Browser
We help you ensure your church app is a powerful communications platform beyond the website, making it easy to:
- give
- sign up to serve
- register for events
- access sermons and other discipleship materials
A History of Advancing Biblical Church Plants
We’re a team of digital professionals committed to advancing biblical local churches – especially church plants. In this, we can use our God-given skills and experience to work alongside pastors and planters to fulfill Jeremiah 29:7, seeking the good of the cities and local communities they’ve been called to minister to.